Follow Your Passions

There’s a reason I use bassplayerdoc for my blog. Having been a regular in Microsoft and other technical forums and newsgroups since 1999, I used bass_player as my nickname. That’s because I was a bass player back then – playing for the church band every Sunday and getting invited to play in performances every once […]

Before and After: A Way To Measure Your Growth

I’m a big fan of personal development and growth. Which is why I am dedicated to lifelong learning and continuous growth and help individuals and organizations do the same thing. But in order to validate growth, we need to measure our progress. William Thomson, more commonly known as Lord Kelvin, was famous not only for […]

How Do You Pick Your Leaders?

As your organization grows, you need more competent people placed in the right positions. This applies to both rank-and-file staff and managers. Nowadays, most organizations outsource their staff selection to recruitment and staffing firms. They provide a list of required skills and the recruitment firms run with it, using tools like software resume parser to […]

I Wish They Taught These In School

If you’ve gone thru college or university, chances are that you’ve spent at least an average of fifteen years of formal education (probably more if you’ve gone thru postgraduate programs). Having completed my engineering degree from our nation’s premier state university, I was under the impression that I would have learned the most important life […]

Are you investing in your personal growth?

WARNING: This is not a blog post about financial management: I try to stay away from anything like that as most people think that I have ridiculous financial management skills (or maybe I should save that for a future blog post, if you insist.) I love reading. I spend a lot of time on printed […]