Two SQL Server Webcasts from

I’ve done two SQL Server webcasts for my friends at One is regarding security best practices for deploying SQL Server databases in the cloud. As more and more customers are thinking of deploying databases in the cloud, security is one of their main concerns. In the webcast, I talked about principles and concepts on securing […]

>Microsoft Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection

>With the recent mass SQL injection attacks, Microsoft has developed a new static code analysis tool for finding SQL Injection vulnerabilities in ASP code. Web developers can run the tool on their ASP source code to identify the root cause of the attack and address them to reduce their exposure to future attacks. You can […]

>So, you think your secured, patched and updated servers are secure?

>So, we patch our servers, subject them to numerous security scans, implement security best practices and expect them to be secured? That’s ridiculous. I have been trying to convince developers how a functional application can be vulnerable if they do not implement security best practices in writing codes. I come from a developer background as […]