Confessions of a Junior SQL Server DBA

– Photo by Milada Vigerova – Wayne was getting ready to meet the director of engineering, the person responsible for hiring him. They spoke briefly over the phone for the scheduled interview. The director happened to be from Romania but spoke very good English that you’ll think he grew up in America. The role: Windows engineer. This […]

Dealing With the Myth of Work-Life Balance for the IT Professional

I’d be honest. I was a bit emotional as I was preparing my presentation for the PASS Professional Development Virtual Chapter. If you’ve seen some of my presentations, you’ll know that I love telling stories to get the message across. But for this presentation, the story really hits home as I’m reminded of a friend […]

The Irony of Learning – And On Learning More

The side effect of learning something new is that you feel like you were smarter today than you were yesterday. OK, wait, let me take that back. The irony of learning something new is that you feel like there’s a lot more that you don’t know. It’s easy to think that we already know what we […]