Creating a SQL Server 2012 Availability Group Article on

I’ve been wanting to write for the website for quite sometime now, primarily because there hasn’t been any new content on SQL Server on the site lately. The Canadian IT Pro and developer communities are very vibrant and active, thanks to the effort of Canadian Microsoft MVPs Jean-René Roy (blog) (DevTeach/SQLTeach) and D’Arcy Lussier (Twitter | […]

Data Types and How They Affect Database Performance

When I was in high school, my practical arts teacher asked us to create a miniature of a structure. This meant looking at the blueprints of an existing structure and using it to create a small replica. I thought that this would be a great opportunity to learn more about reading blueprints and understanding what they are […]

Database Configuration Settings To Improve SharePoint Performance

Next month, I will be doing a presentation for the very first SharePoint Saturday event here in Ottawa. Since I have been doing a lot of SharePoint architecture and implementation projects, I submitted a session on improving SharePoint performance by looking at the underlying database system. Majority of the concepts in the presentation apply to […]