Installing, Configuring and Managing Windows Server Failover Cluster using PowerShell Series

Last year, I started writing an article that was supposed to be a series for Installing, Configuring and Managing Windows Server Failover Cluster using Windows PowerShell. The first of the series came out on July 2013 (which ended up being the last article I wrote for the year 2013 on Since then, I’ve been involved […]

Database Configuration for Maximum SharePoint Performance (Video, Slide and PowerShell Script)

This post is way overdue. Since I’ve been getting a lot of requests about this specific presentation regarding SharePoint databases, I decided to do two things. First, I recorded this presentation for all my attendees to use as a reference. Now, you might be thinking, “If you’ve already recorded your presentation, wouldn’t that affect attendance […]

Database Configuration Settings To Improve SharePoint Performance

Next month, I will be doing a presentation for the very first SharePoint Saturday event here in Ottawa. Since I have been doing a lot of SharePoint architecture and implementation projects, I submitted a session on improving SharePoint performance by looking at the underlying database system. Majority of the concepts in the presentation apply to […]

Your poor man’s SQL Server log shipping-PowerShell version

In 2008, I was privileged to be a part of a project to write a chapter for a book that was for a good cause. SQL Server MVP Deep Dives became an avenue for a lot of the SQL Server MVPs to share their expertise for the benefit of not just the technical community but […]