
SQL Server Index Internals (slide deck)

SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn webcast

If you’ve attended or viewed (thru’s recording) my webcast on SQL Server 2012 High Availability with AlwaysOn, you can download the resources – slide deck, Windows-based client application together with the Visual Studio 2010 project files, batch files to simulate workload and T-SQL scripts – here (you need to change the file extension from PDF to ZIP and extract the contents). I would, however, request that you’d fill in your information here for my reference and feedback. If you would be using these resources for purposes other than personal – presentations, blog posts, articles, etc., please provide proper attribution to the original source.

I definitely would love to hear from you as this helps me improve my work.

Building a Scale-Out SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Farm (whitepaper)

Upgrading SQL Server

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Resources

  1. Hi Edwin. Sorry for such a basic question. When setting up a windows cluster is there somewhere in the process that you tell the software this will be the heartbeat ip? Otherwise how would it know that a particular network is for the heartbeat? I suppose if it’s smart enough to see there is a private ip, no gateway, would be one way but if you’re building a multi-site cluster with a node in different cities then you’d have to have a routable ip for the heartbeat right? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    • By default, the Windows cluster will use all of the available network adapter for internal/heartbeat communication traffic. You need to explicitly tell it to “not” use a network adapter for client/public communication traffic.

      In a multi-site cluster, all the IP addresses are routable so the Windows cluster will think that all the network adapters can be used for client/public communication traffic. It is up to your network engineers to guarantee that no client/public communication traffic can go thru that network subnet.